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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Don't complain if you don't vote! A new Nigeria

The result of 2015 decisions

It is funny how we see engineers working in the bank!  Who will fix the roads? It is also funny how a man who has been called to bar as a lawyer and is a senior advocate of Nigeria is thecurrent minister of power and housing, so where are the civil engineers or building technicians?  who will fix the corrupt judiciary system? We elect those that go to the Senate and house of representatives to sleep! If they keep sleeping who will fix and amend policies?  It's funny the  society and policies ain't working because  the president is giving excuses with past regrets and the people only use the public sphere to criticize.

I often tell people "if you have chosen to say nothing about injustice and corruption, it means you are fighting against democracy". We can actually act again by getting again our PVC. 

Indeed, there is some valid wisdom to gaining some experience within the system before seeking the opportunity to serve & deliver a New Nigeria. My only challenge is that there hasn’t been many successful case studies of this school of thought, especially here in Nigeria according to Feladurotoye.

And the reason for that may be quite simple. Also, remember  Whatever you can’t change, you rationalize & understand and soon, YOU will change to adapt to it. Many people go into government with great vision & the best intentions (through elected offices or appointments just like the roads are bad yet we have a minister of transport who ends up doing nothing but fighting his successor with visionless armed individuals without the required level of authority, they soon discover that the corridors of power have institutionalized human structures who work hard to keep the status quo, I pray we correct that terrible decision ($/#)29.4million made for over ($/#) 170million 3years ago.

You would be amazed that most times, these ‘well-intended visionaries’ soon begin to rationalize & understand WHY things are the way they are; not HOW to transform the system especially with the new thinking. So what can a new entrant into highest office bring? Fresh thinking with the level of authority to execute appropriately.

I am saying we can still have a new Nigeria, I certainly trust and believe we can do it if only we could appreciate our upcoming generation perhaps you may have wished to be born in the United  States of America or even Britain but now I believe we can have a new Nigeria by having a new ENTRANT and, what does a new entrant going into the highest office need? Critical and constructive ideas of good people with shared values, vision & passion for the country to deliver good governance through institutional change.  Some of these people would also be fresh entrants into governance whilst many other good people will already be within the system waiting for real political will to implement the transformational ideas that they have always known and beleieved.

For me, the goal is not just about getting into office but to also trigger a landslide of good people into & within government at all levels to take the best decisions on behalf of the masses.

I am proposing:

1. We can have a new system, a new Nigeria where if our president goes against the promises and even the dream of the nation he either resigns or face impeachment;

2. Total reformation in the economic and practical use of professionalism in appointment and advices;

3. The implementation of not too young to contest!

The last election statistics shows that about 43.6% of the total population of 67.4million who was fully registered about 29.4million voted which means above 30million Nigerians sat at home to watch the outcome of the election. Compare this range to 2011 which is about 53% of vote casted. We can stop all these promises from those only running for office without any goals or dream for a new Nigeria. .

Finally, I believe the greatest advantage a new entrant has, is the capacity & the willingness to LEARN from the right people.

What would be your own role to making Nigeria great again? Would you rather sit and complain??

Note: My role is simply to serve as a hub for good people who want to do great things for Nigeria & I believe we all deserve better than what we have today, so it must be worth giving it our best shot! I’m sure our kids & grandchildren would be grateful for it.

Please let's not wait and allow 2019 come before we can get our PVC let's not complain when we have the power to undo the mistakes of 2015. Don't only use social media use also your electoral power! Yes I voted the current government in 2015 but we can't keep regretting when we have the power to change our circumstances. 

I love Nigeria!

God bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

Author:  Osondu C.  Benedict AMIRSA

Social media handles:

Instagram: @iamosondu_c_benedict
Twitter: @benedictspinoz1

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