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Saturday, 14 April 2018

Understanding what makes you Happy

I was talking to one of my close friend Professor Emmanuel and he asked me Ben what would wanna do after this course and professional line you decided to take and I said I want to be HAPPY he was amazed to hear me say "Happy" guess you can understand that an average young man or youth would likely say he wants to be a billionaire. .

Our conversation went further and guess he wasn't clear on what I meant to be "HAPPY" I had to explain by asking asking him if he liked being a Professor and he said Yes then I told him what I literally meant was I like seeing people's investment grow without challenges either in business or personal life I told him I took the part of academic research and business research as one of the things that would always make me "Happy" aside Love! Lol and the range and rate at which many businesses had early fail needed some sought of change and that can only be done if we have professionals or build a level of professionalism and also have those who understands the content and who will be able to understand the quantitative and qualitative changes facing businesses then we will be able to build a better business environment for our country and the people at large. .
At Benth Plus Consulting  we help clients understand the concept and practical understanding of their ideas and also build a better environment that will help them excel through our study and those studies deals with recent and future forecast
Call us for your Business research and development,  Feasibility study and analysis,  Market survey and any Business consultation
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