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Monday, 3 December 2018

Remember giving up isn't an option

When you remember it's a new day,  a new week and you also feel tired either because of the failures,  challenges and less result you would apparently feel like giving up. . .

Feeling that way isn't bad either is it possible you can't feel that way. . Feeling is just an illusive belief that often arose because of emotions or attachments over things. . I have always wanted to give up not at anything but over everything. .

Most times you keep asking yourself questions either a question of HOW!  WHEN! WHERE and WHY and when that happens you often would feel miserable or regrettable for doing what you do. . I definitely understand your situation or your circumstances about the idleness of that mind. . .

I have always wished I never started what I started but the amazing thing that comes with it is the idea and vision. Be filled with compassion,  purpose and passion in whatever you are doing!  But do it well. .

When I give up I not only give up on myself! or on my children! or on the people that believe in me, but I am also  giving up on my generation born and unborn. . When you feel like giving up please be considerate and think before doing that. .

When you feel like giving up pray and ask God for clarity and achieving mind.  You will succeed. . .

-Osondu C. Benedict

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